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GCP Examples

Classifying generic objects with Claude 3.5 Sonnet

The goals of this example is to:

  1. Obtain an editor agent that can convert generic object annotations (class-less coordinates) into class specific annotations with nested attributes like descriptions, radio buttons, and checklists.
  2. Show how you can use both the OntologyDataModel and the dep_object_crops dependency.


To get setup, you need to

First, we create the virtual environment. Before you do the following actions, make sure you have authentication with Anthropic and Encord sorted (see links in list above).

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install encord-agents anthropic
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="<your_api_key>"
export ENCORD_SSH_KEY_FILE="/path/to/your/private/key"

Project setup

We're using a project with the following ontology:


See the ontology JSON
  "objects": [
      "id": "1",
      "name": "person",
      "color": "#D33115",
      "shape": "bounding_box",
      "featureNodeHash": "2xlDPPAG",
      "required": false,
      "attributes": [
          "id": "1.1",
          "featureNodeHash": "aFCN9MMm",
          "type": "text",
          "name": "activity",
          "required": false,
          "dynamic": false
      "id": "2",
      "name": "animal",
      "color": "#E27300",
      "shape": "bounding_box",
      "featureNodeHash": "3y6JxTUX",
      "required": false,
      "attributes": [
          "id": "2.1",
          "featureNodeHash": "2P7LTUZA",
          "type": "radio",
          "name": "type",
          "required": false,
          "options": [
              "id": "2.1.1",
              "featureNodeHash": "gJvcEeLl",
              "label": "dolphin",
              "value": "dolphin",
              "options": []
              "id": "2.1.2",
              "featureNodeHash": "CxrftGS4",
              "label": "monkey",
              "value": "monkey",
              "options": []
              "id": "2.1.3",
              "featureNodeHash": "OQyWm7Sm",
              "label": "dog",
              "value": "dog",
              "options": []
              "id": "2.1.4",
              "featureNodeHash": "CDKmYJK/",
              "label": "cat",
              "value": "cat",
              "options": []
          "dynamic": false
          "id": "2.2",
          "featureNodeHash": "5fFgrM+E",
          "type": "text",
          "name": "description",
          "required": false,
          "dynamic": false
      "id": "3",
      "name": "vehicle",
      "color": "#16406C",
      "shape": "bounding_box",
      "featureNodeHash": "llw7qdWW",
      "required": false,
      "attributes": [
          "id": "3.1",
          "featureNodeHash": "79mo1G7Q",
          "type": "text",
          "name": "type - short and concise",
          "required": false,
          "dynamic": false
          "id": "3.2",
          "featureNodeHash": "OFrk07Ds",
          "type": "checklist",
          "name": "visible",
          "required": false,
          "options": [
              "id": "3.2.1",
              "featureNodeHash": "KmX/HjRT",
              "label": "wheels",
              "value": "wheels"
              "id": "3.2.2",
              "featureNodeHash": "H6qbEcdj",
              "label": "frame",
              "value": "frame"
              "id": "3.2.3",
              "featureNodeHash": "gZ9OucoQ",
              "label": "chain",
              "value": "chain"
              "id": "3.2.4",
              "featureNodeHash": "cit3aZSz",
              "label": "head lights",
              "value": "head_lights"
              "id": "3.2.5",
              "featureNodeHash": "qQ3PieJ/",
              "label": "tail lights",
              "value": "tail_lights"
          "dynamic": false
      "id": "4",
      "name": "generic",
      "color": "#FE9200",
      "shape": "bounding_box",
      "featureNodeHash": "jootTFfQ",
      "required": false,
      "attributes": []
  "classifications": []

To construct the exact same ontology, you can do

import json
from encord.objects.ontology_structure import OntologyStructure
from encord_agents.core.utils import get_user_client

encord_client = get_user_client()
structure = OntologyStructure.from_dict(json.loads("{the_json_above}"))
ontology = encord_client.create_ontology(
    title="Your ontology title",

It can really be any ontology, as long as the object types are the same and there is one entry called "generic". Attach that ontology to a project with visual content (images, image groups, or videos).

The goal is to be able to trigger an agent that takes a labeling task from Figure A to Figure B, below (hint: you can click them and use keyboard arrows toggle between images).

Figure A: A generic label without any type annotations. Notice that in the left sidebar, there are two "generic" labels.
Figure B: A nested label with all details filled for the predicted class. Notice that in the left sidebar, there are two "animal" labels with both type and description filled.

The agent


Some of the code blocks suffers from wrong indentation in this section. If you intend to copy/paste, we strongly recommend that you do it from the full code below rather than from each sub-section👇

The full code for
import os

from anthropic import Anthropic
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from encord_agents.core.ontology import OntologyDataModel
from encord_agents.core.utils import get_user_client
from encord_agents.gcp import Depends, editor_agent
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import FrameData, InstanceCrop, dep_object_crops
from typing_extensions import Annotated

# User client
client = get_user_client()
project = client.get_project("<project_hash>")
generic_ont_obj, *other_objects = sorted(
    key=lambda o: o.title.lower() == "generic",

# Data model
data_model = OntologyDataModel(other_objects)
system_prompt = f"""
You're a helpful assistant that's supposed to help fill in 
json objects according to this schema:


Please only respond with valid json.

# Prompts
anthropic_client = Anthropic(api_key=ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)

# Setup agent
def agent(
    frame_data: FrameData,
    lr: LabelRowV2,
    crops: Annotated[
    # Query Claude
    changes = False
    for crop in crops:
        message = anthropic_client.messages.create(
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": [crop.b64_encoding(output_format="anthropic")],

        # Parse result
            instance = data_model(message.content[0].text)

            coordinates = crop.instance.get_annotation(
            changes = True
        except Exception:
            import traceback

            print(f"Response from model: {message.content[0].text}")

    # Save changes
    if changes:

Create a file called "". Let's begin with some simple imports and reading the project ontology. For this, you will need to have your <project_hash> ready.
import os

from anthropic import Anthropic
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from encord_agents.core.ontology import OntologyDataModel
from encord_agents.core.utils import get_user_client
from encord_agents.gcp import Depends, editor_agent
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import FrameData, InstanceCrop, dep_object_crops
from typing_extensions import Annotated

# User client
client = get_user_client()
project = client.get_project("<project_hash>")

Now that we have the project, we can extract the generic ontology object as well as that actual ontology objects that we care about.
generic_ont_obj, *other_objects = sorted(
    key=lambda o: o.title.lower() == "generic",

The code above will sort the ontology objects based on whether they have the title "generic" or not. We'll use the generic object to query image crops from within the agent, but before that, we'll use the other_objects to inform Claude about the information that we are caring about.

For that there is a useful class called OntologyDataModel which understands how to translate from Encord ontology Objects to a pydantic model and from json objects to Encord ObjectInstances.

Next up is preparing the system prompt to go along with every object crop. For that, we'll use the data_model from above to create the json schema. It is worth noticing that we pass in just the other_objetcs such that the model is only allowed to choose between the object types that are not of the generic one.
# Data model
data_model = OntologyDataModel(other_objects)
system_prompt = f"""
You're a helpful assistant that's supposed to help fill in 
json objects according to this schema:


Please only respond with valid json.
See the result of data_model.model_json_schema_str for the given example
  "$defs": {
    "ActivityTextModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "aFCN9MMm",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "value": {
          "description": "Please describe the image as accurate as possible focusing on 'activity'",
          "maxLength": 1000,
          "minLength": 0,
          "title": "Value",
          "type": "string"
      "required": [
      "title": "ActivityTextModel",
      "type": "object"
    "AnimalNestedModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "3y6JxTUX",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "type": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/TypeRadioModel",
          "description": "A mutually exclusive radio attribute to choose exactly one option that best matches to the give visual input."
        "description": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/DescriptionTextModel",
          "description": "A text attribute with carefully crafted text to describe the property."
      "required": [
      "title": "AnimalNestedModel",
      "type": "object"
    "DescriptionTextModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "5fFgrM+E",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "value": {
          "description": "Please describe the image as accurate as possible focusing on 'description'",
          "maxLength": 1000,
          "minLength": 0,
          "title": "Value",
          "type": "string"
      "required": [
      "title": "DescriptionTextModel",
      "type": "object"
    "PersonNestedModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "2xlDPPAG",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "activity": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/ActivityTextModel",
          "description": "A text attribute with carefully crafted text to describe the property."
      "required": [
      "title": "PersonNestedModel",
      "type": "object"
    "TypeRadioEnum": {
      "enum": [
      "title": "TypeRadioEnum",
      "type": "string"
    "TypeRadioModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "2P7LTUZA",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "choice": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/TypeRadioEnum",
          "description": "Choose exactly one answer from the given options."
      "required": [
      "title": "TypeRadioModel",
      "type": "object"
    "TypeShortAndConciseTextModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "79mo1G7Q",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "value": {
          "description": "Please describe the image as accurate as possible focusing on 'type - short and concise'",
          "maxLength": 1000,
          "minLength": 0,
          "title": "Value",
          "type": "string"
      "required": [
      "title": "TypeShortAndConciseTextModel",
      "type": "object"
    "VehicleNestedModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "llw7qdWW",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "type__short_and_concise": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/TypeShortAndConciseTextModel",
          "description": "A text attribute with carefully crafted text to describe the property."
        "visible": {
          "$ref": "#/$defs/VisibleChecklistModel",
          "description": "A collection of boolean values indicating which concepts are applicable according to the image content."
      "required": [
      "title": "VehicleNestedModel",
      "type": "object"
    "VisibleChecklistModel": {
      "properties": {
        "feature_node_hash": {
          "const": "OFrk07Ds",
          "description": "UUID for discrimination. Must be included in json as is.",
          "enum": [
          "title": "Feature Node Hash",
          "type": "string"
        "wheels": {
          "description": "Is 'wheels' applicable or not?",
          "title": "Wheels",
          "type": "boolean"
        "frame": {
          "description": "Is 'frame' applicable or not?",
          "title": "Frame",
          "type": "boolean"
        "chain": {
          "description": "Is 'chain' applicable or not?",
          "title": "Chain",
          "type": "boolean"
        "head_lights": {
          "description": "Is 'head lights' applicable or not?",
          "title": "Head Lights",
          "type": "boolean"
        "tail_lights": {
          "description": "Is 'tail lights' applicable or not?",
          "title": "Tail Lights",
          "type": "boolean"
      "required": [
      "title": "VisibleChecklistModel",
      "type": "object"
  "properties": {
    "choice": {
      "description": "Choose exactly one answer from the given options.",
      "discriminator": {
        "mapping": {
          "2xlDPPAG": "#/$defs/PersonNestedModel",
          "3y6JxTUX": "#/$defs/AnimalNestedModel",
          "llw7qdWW": "#/$defs/VehicleNestedModel"
        "propertyName": "feature_node_hash"
      "oneOf": [
          "$ref": "#/$defs/PersonNestedModel"
          "$ref": "#/$defs/AnimalNestedModel"
          "$ref": "#/$defs/VehicleNestedModel"
      "title": "Choice"
  "required": [
  "title": "ObjectsRadioModel",
  "type": "object"

With the system prompt ready, we can instantiate an api client for Claude.
# Prompts
anthropic_client = Anthropic(api_key=ANTHROPIC_API_KEY)

Now, let's define the editor agent.
# Setup agent
def agent(
    frame_data: FrameData,
    lr: LabelRowV2,
    crops: Annotated[

In the code above, there are two main things to stress.

  1. All arguments are automatically injected when this agent is called. For more details on dependency injections, please see here.
  2. The dep_object_crops dependency is a little special in that you can provide it filtering arguments. In this case, we tell it to only include object crops when the object instances are of the "generic" type. We do this because we don't want to keep on working on those that have already been converted to "actual labels."

Now, we can call Claude given the image crops. Notice how the crop variable has a convenient b64_encoding method to produce an input that Claude understands.
# Query Claude
changes = False
for crop in crops:
    message = anthropic_client.messages.create(
                "role": "user",
                "content": [crop.b64_encoding(output_format="anthropic")],

To parse the message from Claude, the data_model is again useful. When called with a JSON string, it attempts to parse it with respect to the the JSON schema we saw above to create an Encord object instance. If successful, the old generic object can be removed and the newly classified object added.
# Parse result
    instance = data_model(message.content[0].text)

    coordinates = crop.instance.get_annotation(
    changes = True
except Exception:
    import traceback

    print(f"Response from model: {message.content[0].text}")

Finally, we'll save the labels with Encord.
# Save changes
if changes:

Testing the model

Step 1: run the agent
With the agent laid down, we can run it and test it. In your current terminal, run the function:

functions-framework --target=agent --debug --source 

This will run the agent in debug mode for you to test it.

Step 2: annotate some generic objects

Open your project within the Encord platform in your browser and try annotating an image with some generic objetcs. Once you've done that, you can copy the url from your browser.


The url should have roughly this format: "{project_hash}/{data_hash}/{frame}".

Step 3: trigger the agent

In another shell, source your virtual environment and test the agent.

source venv/bin/activate
encord-agents test local agent <your_url>

If the test is successful, you should be able to refresh your browser and see the result of what your agent.

Once you're ready to deploy your agent, you can go to the deployment documentation to learn more.

Agent examples in the making

  • Tightening Bounding Boxes with SAM
  • Extrapolating labels with DINOv
  • Triggering internal notification system
  • Label assertion