Multimodal LLM as a Judge
The Goal of This Notebook¶
This notebook uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to evaluate and select the better product image description from two different LLM-generated descriptions.
The LLM judge assesses the correctness and quality of each description, provides improvement suggestions, and determines which option is more accurate. Additionally, this notebook covers generating descriptions using Visual Language Models (VLMs), uploading captions as files, and including them in groupings within Encord.
Once the LLM judge is set up, it can be repurposed by adjusting the ontology in the Encord project to align with different evaluation criteria.
Set Up Encord Project¶
This notebook is intended for a setup containing two types of files:
- Images that are the subject matter.
- Text (
) files that contain LLM descriptions of the images.
Data is linked together with custom client metadata. Client metadata allows you to:
Configure your editor layout to display multiple data units at the same time. In this example, the image and the two responses are displayed together using custom metadata.
Read and filter custom metadata to refine queries for the LLM judge.
In this example, we use two custom metadata entries:
Tag: UUID,
Data Type: Literal['Image', 'Text_8B', 'Text_16B']
- The
is used for "grouping" items, such that we know which image each response belongs to. - The
Data Type
tells what the data is and where it came from.
The Dataset(s)¶
This notebook assumes that the images have been uploaded to Encord and that the Datasets are attached to your Project.
Project Workflow¶
Ensure your Project has the following Workflow.
We demonstrate how to implement the ""LLM1" "LLM2" and "LLM as a Judge" agents node in this notebook.
- LLM1 produces the first set of captions for the image.
- LLM2 produces the second set of captions for the image.
- The LLM as a Judge stage compares the captions and selects the superior option.
The Ontology¶
Ensure you Project has the following Ontology:
⚠️ The screenshot below is shortened for convenience. Ensure that LLM 16B has the exact same classification options and answers as those seen for LLM 8B
The first entry, "Final Choice," is reserved for a human to make the final judgment in the Encord platform.
All remaining entries in the Ontology are filled in by the LLM.
Label Editor Layout¶
To ensure your Project's default Label Editor layout matches the layout seen beloiw, you must upload a custom layout json
file to the Project in the Project Settings.
A schema for the JSON file is defined below. Run the code cell to generate the editor_layout.json
file, which appears in the file drawer on the left.
Download the file and follow the instructions here to add the layout to your Project.
%%file editor_layout.json
"name": "tri_layout",
"grid": {
"direction": "row",
"first": 0,
"second": {
"direction": "column",
"first": 1,
"second": 2,
"splitPercentage": 50
"splitPercentage": 50
"gridContent": {
"0": {
"readonly": false,
"dicomTagsQuery": null,
"clientMetadataQuery": {
"andConditions": [
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Image"
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Image"
"1": {
"readonly": false,
"dicomTagsQuery": null,
"clientMetadataQuery": {
"andConditions": [
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Text_8B"
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Text_8B"
"2": {
"readonly": false,
"dicomTagsQuery": null,
"clientMetadataQuery": {
"andConditions": [
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Text_16B"
"key": "Data Type",
"operator": "=",
"value": "Text_16B"
"topLevelGridFilter": {
"dicomTags": null,
"clientMetadata": {
"key": "Tag",
"operator": "="
"settings": {
"fixedLayout": false
Set Up Agents¶
The following example combines Encord's multi-modal capabilities with its Editor layout feature. It evaluates LLM-generated image descriptions by using a VLM to determine which description is the most accurate.
!pip install encord-agents openai
The library authenticates via ssh-keys. Below, is a code cell for setting the ENCORD_SSH_KEY
environment variables. It should contain the raw content of your private ssh key file and OpenAI API key.
If you have not yet setup an ssh key, please follow the documentation.
💡 Colab users: In colab, you can set the key once in the secrets in the left sidebar and load it in new notebooks with
import os from google.colab import userdata os.environ["ENCORD_SSH_KEY"] = userdata.get("ENCORD_SSH_KEY") os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = userdata.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")
# Imports
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Generator, Literal
from encord.constants.enums import DataType
from encord.http.bundle import Bundle
from encord.objects.classification import Classification
from encord.objects.classification_instance import ClassificationInstance
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from openai import OpenAI
from pydantic import ValidationError
from encord_agents.core.data_model import Frame, LabelRowMetadataIncludeArgs
from encord_agents.core.ontology import OntologyDataModel
from encord_agents.tasks import Runner
from encord_agents.tasks.dependencies import dep_asset
Set Up Runner and Define Functions¶
Initialize the OpenAI client and set up your runner.
⚠️ Ensure that you replace
with the unique ID of your Encord Project.
PROJECT_HASH = "<your-project-hash>" # @param {type: "string"}
# Create OpenAI client
openai_client = OpenAI()
runner = Runner(project_hash=PROJECT_HASH)
# Choose classifications to label with LLM judge
# Everything with "LLM" in the name will be judged by the LLM.
classifications = runner.project.ontology_structure.classifications
for i, clf in enumerate(classifications):
f"{clf.title[:25]:25s} [{clf.attributes[0].get_property_type():^7s}] {'' if 'LLM' in clf.title else 'not '}selected"
# Exclude human choices ()
llm_classifications = [clf for clf in runner.project.ontology_structure.classifications if "LLM" in clf.title]
ont_data_model: OntologyDataModel[Classification] = OntologyDataModel(llm_classifications)
Associating Data Items¶
When querying two LLMs for descriptions of the same item, a mechanism is needed to associate the descriptions for comparison, synthesis, and display in the Editor layout. This association is handled using client metadata.
To optimize performance, a cached version of these pairings is calculated using the following approach:
from collections import defaultdict
# Build a loop up to be able to find text files from image label rows.
# Key: the "Tag"
# Value: the LabelRow for the item
label_row_groups: dict[str, dict[Literal["Text_8B", "Text_16B"], LabelRowV2]] = defaultdict(dict)
from typing import Annotated
from encord import EncordUserClient
from encord.dataset import Dataset
from encord.orm.dataset import DataLinkDuplicatesBehavior
from encord.project import Project
from import StorageItem
from encord_agents.tasks import Depends
from encord_agents.tasks.dependencies import dep_client, dep_single_frame, dep_storage_item
def dep_dataset(user_client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)], project: Project) -> Dataset:
Dependency to get first dataset associated to project
Used to have a dataset reference for linking items from storage
project_dataset = next(iter(project.list_datasets()))
dataset = user_client.get_dataset(project_dataset.dataset_hash)
return dataset
Code Outline¶
The two captioning LLMs are defined sequentially, following a similar process with one key difference. The first example generates a tag, while the second retrieves the tag from the image and applies it to ensure consistency across both descriptions.
runner = Runner(project_hash=PROJECT_HASH)
def call_openai_captioning(frame: Frame) -> str:
prompt = """Please provide a caption of the following image. Don't respond with anything else and just immediately proceed into the caption.
Keep it within 20 words"""
# Call openai
response =
"role": "user",
"content": [{"type": "text", "text": prompt}, frame.b64_encoding(output_format="openai")],
model_response = response.choices[0].message.content or "Failed to get resp"
return model_response
LLM1 Agent¶
The LLM1 Agent creates the first set of captions for the image.
import tempfile
from typing import Annotated
from uuid import uuid4
from encord.workflow.stages.agent import AgentStage
def first_llm_captioning(
lr: LabelRowV2,
storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)],
project: Project,
dataset: Annotated[Dataset, Depends(dep_dataset)],
) -> str:
if not lr.data_type == DataType.IMAGE:
# Only do it for images.
return "First caption"
frame = Frame(frame=0, content=dep_single_frame(lr))
caption = call_openai_captioning(frame)
print(f"First LLM caption for {lr.data_title[:12]}: {caption}")
storage_folder = storage_item.parent_folder()
# Generate tag to identify this image's captions from
tag = str(uuid4())
# Update the metadata for this to include the tag
storage_item.update(client_metadata={"Tag": tag, "Data Type": "Image"})
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".txt") as tmp:
uploaded_txt_uuid = storage_folder.upload_text(,
client_metadata={"Data Type": "Text_8B", "Tag": tag},
# Link the newly created item to our project and cache it as associated with the image locally
data_rows = dataset.link_items([uploaded_txt_uuid], DataLinkDuplicatesBehavior.DUPLICATE)
data_row = data_rows[0]
lr = project.list_label_rows_v2(data_hashes=[data_row.uid])[0]
label_row_groups[tag]["Text_8B"] = lr
this_stage = project.workflow.get_stage(name="LLM1", type_=AgentStage)
task = next(iter(this_stage.get_tasks(data_hash=[data_row.uid])))
task.proceed("First caption")
return "First caption"
LLM2 Agent¶
The LLM2 Agent creates the second set of captions for the image. Only notable change is how we are tagging the label row
def second_llm_captioning(
lr: LabelRowV2,
storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)],
project: Project,
dataset: Annotated[Dataset, Depends(dep_dataset)],
) -> str:
if not lr.data_type == DataType.IMAGE:
# Only do it for images.
print(f"Moving task: {lr.data_hash}, {lr.data_title} past Second captioning")
return "Second caption"
frame = Frame(frame=0, content=dep_single_frame(lr))
caption = call_openai_captioning(frame)
print(f"Second LLM caption for {lr.data_title[:12]}: {caption}")
storage_folder = storage_item.parent_folder()
tag = storage_item.client_metadata["Tag"]
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".txt") as tmp:
uploaded_txt_uuid = storage_folder.upload_text(,
client_metadata={"Data Type": "Text_16B", "Tag": tag},
data_rows = dataset.link_items([uploaded_txt_uuid], DataLinkDuplicatesBehavior.DUPLICATE)
data_row = data_rows[0]
lr = project.list_label_rows_v2(data_hashes=[data_row.uid])[0]
label_row_groups[tag]["Text_16B"] = lr
# Progress the new caption from first -> this -> next
prev_stage = project.workflow.get_stage(name="LLM1", type_=AgentStage)
this_stage = project.workflow.get_stage(name="LLM2", type_=AgentStage)
task = next(iter(prev_stage.get_tasks(data_hash=[data_row.uid])))
task.proceed("First caption")
task = next(iter(this_stage.get_tasks(data_hash=[data_row.uid])))
task.proceed("Second caption")
return "Second caption"
LLM as a Judge¶
At this stage, responses from LLM 1 and LLM 2 are carefully evaluated to ensure they meet the required format and better option based on criteria outlined in the Ontology is selected.
Unlike the previous stage, where responses could be uploaded directly, this step involves validation to maintain accuracy and consistency. OpenAI's JSON schema support is used to validate responses before they are processed further.
def call_openai_for_comparison(frame: Frame, choice_1: str, choice_2: str) -> list[ClassificationInstance]:
prompt = f"""You are a helpful Image description judge choosing the better option
based on multiple criteria defined in a JSON schema.
Please judge the two choices in relation to the provided image.
Please choose from the following two descriptions of the image which best summarises the Image.
Please follow the JSON Schema to indicate your response.
Don't respond with anything but valid json.
=== JSON Schema ===
=== Choice 1: LLM 8B ===
=== Choice 2: LLM 16B ===
# Call openai
response =
"role": "user",
"content": [{"type": "text", "text": prompt}, frame.b64_encoding(output_format="openai")],
response_format={"type": "json_object"},
data_model_response = response.choices[0].message.content or "Failed to get resp"
# Parse response with ontology data model to get classification instances
instances = ont_data_model(data_model_response)
except ValidationError as e:
# invalid json
print("Failed to get appropriate JSON Schema resp")
raise e
return instances
# Context manager used to fetch contents of files with LLM descriptions
def fetch_asset_lr(lr: LabelRowV2) -> Generator[Path, None, None]:
with contextmanager(dep_asset)(lr) as asset:
yield asset
def dep_llm_answers(lr: LabelRowV2) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
Custom dependency to read in the descriptions from the text files
if not lr.data_type == DataType.IMAGE:
# Only do it for images.
return None
# Find relevant entries via the look up
lr_tag = lr.client_metadata["Tag"]
group_dict = label_row_groups[lr_tag]
lr_8B = group_dict["Text_8B"]
lr_16B = group_dict["Text_16B"]
# Initialize labels to get signed urls
with Bundle() as bundle:
if not lr_8B.is_labelling_initialised:
lr_8B.initialise_labels(include_signed_url=True, bundle=bundle)
if not lr_16B.is_labelling_initialised:
lr_16B.initialise_labels(include_signed_url=True, bundle=bundle)
# Load the content from the text files
with fetch_asset_lr(lr_8B) as path_asset_8B:
asset_8B = path_asset_8B.read_text()
with fetch_asset_lr(lr_16B) as path_asset_16B:
asset_16B = path_asset_16B.read_text()
return asset_8B, asset_16B
def choose_better_answer(lr: LabelRowV2, frame: Frame, choice_1: str, choice_2: str) -> None:
"""Choose the better answer from the two options and write it onto the LabelRow"""
classification_instances = call_openai_for_comparison(frame, choice_1, choice_2)
# Store the answers in the label row
for inst in classification_instances:
stage="LLM as Judge",
def judge_labels(
lr: LabelRowV2,
responses: Annotated[tuple[str, str] | None, Depends(dep_llm_answers)],
) -> str | None:
if not responses:
# This means that we're looking at a text file.
# Just send it directly to review. Keep text files on same stage as the images
return "LLM Ruling"
frame = Frame(frame=0, content=dep_single_frame(lr))
response_8B, response_16B = responses
choose_better_answer(lr, frame, response_8B, response_16B)
return "LLM Ruling"
Execute runner
If you've followed the steps above, you now have a workflow that leverages multiple VLM captioning methods and an additional model to select the best caption. This approach is particularly useful for training or fine-tuning a captioning model.