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Editor Agents Reference



Dependencies for injection in GCP Cloud run functions.

This module contains dependencies that you can inject within your cloud functions. Dependencies that depend on others don't need to be used together. They'll work just fine alone.

Note that you can also use the following typed parameters. If the type annotations are not present, the injection mechanism cannot resolve the them:

from encord.project import Project
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from encord_agents import FrameData
def my_agent(
    frame_data: FrameData,
    project: Project,
    label_row: LabelRowV2,
  • FrameData is automatically injected via the api request body.
  • Project is automatically loaded based on the frame data.
  • label_row_v2 is automatically loaded based on the frame data.


dep_client() -> EncordUserClient

Dependency to provide an authenticated user client.


from encord.user_client import EncordUserClient
from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_client
def (
    client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]
    # Client will authenticated and ready to use.
Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_client() -> EncordUserClient:
    Dependency to provide an authenticated user client.


    from encord.user_client import EncordUserClient
    from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
    from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_client
    def (
        client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]
        # Client will authenticated and ready to use.

    return get_user_client()


dep_data_lookup(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(DataLookup.sharable)]) -> DataLookup

Get a lookup to easily retrieve data rows and storage items associated with the given task.


If you're just looking to get the associated storage item to a task, consider using dep_storage_item instead.

The lookup can, e.g., be useful for

  • Updating client metadata
  • Downloading data from signed urls
  • Matching data to other projects


from typing_extensions import Annotated
from import StorageItem
from encord_agents import FrameData
from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent, Depends
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import DataLookup, dep_data_lookup

def my_agent(
    frame_data: FrameData,
    lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)]
    print("data hash", lookup.get_data_row(frame_data.data_hash))
    print("storage item", lookup.get_storage_item(frame_data.data_hash))


  • lookup (Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(sharable)]) –

    The object that you can use to lookup data rows and storage items. Automatically injected.


  • DataLookup

    The (shared) lookup object.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_data_lookup(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(DataLookup.sharable)]) -> DataLookup:
    Get a lookup to easily retrieve data rows and storage items associated with the given task.

    !!! info
        If you're just looking to get the associated storage item to a task, consider using `dep_storage_item` instead.

    The lookup can, e.g., be useful for

    * Updating client metadata
    * Downloading data from signed urls
    * Matching data to other projects


    from typing_extensions import Annotated
    from import StorageItem
    from encord_agents import FrameData
    from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent, Depends
    from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import DataLookup, dep_data_lookup

    def my_agent(
        frame_data: FrameData,
        lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)]
        print("data hash", lookup.get_data_row(frame_data.data_hash))
        print("storage item", lookup.get_storage_item(frame_data.data_hash))


        lookup: The object that you can use to lookup data rows and storage items. Automatically injected.

        The (shared) lookup object.

    return lookup


dep_object_crops(filter_ontology_objects: list[Object | str] | None = None) -> Callable[[FrameData, LabelRowV2, NDArray[np.uint8]], list[InstanceCrop]]

Get a list of object instances and frame crops associated with each object.

Useful, e.g., to be able to run each crop against a model.


def my_agent(crops: Annotated[list[InstanceCrop], Depends[dep_object_crops(filter_ontology_objects=["eBw/75bg"])]]):
    for crop in crops:
        crop.content  # <- this is raw numpy rgb values
        crop.frame    # <- this is the frame number in video
        crop.instance # <- this is the obejct instance from the label row


  • filter_ontology_objects (list[Object | str] | None, default: None ) –

    Specify a list of ontology objects to include.

Returns: The dependency to be injected into the cloud function.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_object_crops(
    filter_ontology_objects: list[Object | str] | None = None,
) -> Callable[[FrameData, LabelRowV2, NDArray[np.uint8]], list[InstanceCrop]]:
    Get a list of object instances and frame crops associated with each object.

    Useful, e.g., to be able to run each crop against a model.


    def my_agent(crops: Annotated[list[InstanceCrop], Depends[dep_object_crops(filter_ontology_objects=["eBw/75bg"])]]):
        for crop in crops:
            crop.content  # <- this is raw numpy rgb values
            crop.frame    # <- this is the frame number in video
            crop.instance # <- this is the obejct instance from the label row

        filter_ontology_objects: Specify a list of ontology objects to include.

    Returns: The dependency to be injected into the cloud function.

    legal_feature_hashes = {
        o.feature_node_hash if isinstance(o, Object) else o for o in (filter_ontology_objects or [])

    def _dep_object_crops(
        frame_data: FrameData, lr: LabelRowV2, frame: Annotated[NDArray[np.uint8], Depends(dep_single_frame)]
    ) -> list[InstanceCrop]:
        legal_shapes = {Shape.POLYGON, Shape.BOUNDING_BOX, Shape.ROTATABLE_BOUNDING_BOX, Shape.BITMASK}
        return [
                content=crop_to_object(frame, o.get_annotation(frame=frame_data.frame).coordinates),  # type: ignore
            for o in lr.get_object_instances(filter_frames=frame_data.frame)
            if o.ontology_item.shape in legal_shapes
            and (not legal_feature_hashes or o.feature_hash in legal_feature_hashes)

    return _dep_object_crops


dep_single_frame(lr: LabelRowV2) -> NDArray[np.uint8]

Dependency to inject the first frame of the underlying asset.

The downloaded asset will be named lr.data_hash.{suffix}. When the function has finished, the downloaded file will be removed from the file system.


from encord_agents import FrameData
from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_single_frame

def my_agent(
    frame: Annotated[NDArray[np.uint8], Depends(dep_single_frame)]
    assert frame.ndim == 3, "Will work"


  • lr (LabelRowV2) –

    The label row. Automatically injected (see example above).


  • NDArray[uint8]

    Numpy array of shape [h, w, 3] RGB colors.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_single_frame(lr: LabelRowV2) -> NDArray[np.uint8]:
    Dependency to inject the first frame of the underlying asset.

    The downloaded asset will be named `lr.data_hash.{suffix}`.
    When the function has finished, the downloaded file will be removed from the file system.


    from encord_agents import FrameData
    from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
    from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_single_frame

    def my_agent(
        frame: Annotated[NDArray[np.uint8], Depends(dep_single_frame)]
        assert frame.ndim == 3, "Will work"

        lr: The label row. Automatically injected (see example above).

        Numpy array of shape [h, w, 3] RGB colors.

    with download_asset(lr, frame=0) as asset:
        img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(asset.as_posix()), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

    return np.asarray(img, dtype=np.uint8)


dep_storage_item(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)], frame_data: FrameData) -> StorageItem

Get the storage item associated with the underlying agent task.

The StorageItem is useful for multiple things like

  • Updating client metadata
  • Reading file properties like storage location, fps, duration, DICOM tags, etc.


from typing_extensions import Annotated
from import StorageItem
from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent, Depends
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_storage_item

def my_agent(storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)]):
    print("uuid", storage_item.uuid)
    print("client_metadata", storage_item.client_metadata)
Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_storage_item(
    lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)],
    frame_data: FrameData,
) -> StorageItem:
    Get the storage item associated with the underlying agent task.

    The [`StorageItem`]({ target="\_blank", rel="noopener noreferrer" }
    is useful for multiple things like

    * Updating client metadata
    * Reading file properties like storage location, fps, duration, DICOM tags, etc.


    from typing_extensions import Annotated
    from import StorageItem
    from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent, Depends
    from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_storage_item

    def my_agent(storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)]):
        print("uuid", storage_item.uuid)
        print("client_metadata", storage_item.client_metadata)

    return lookup.get_storage_item(frame_data.data_hash)


dep_video_iterator(lr: LabelRowV2) -> Generator[Iterator[Frame], None, None]

Dependency to inject a video frame iterator for doing things over many frames.

Intended use

from encord_agents import FrameData
from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_video_iterator

def my_agent(
    video_frames: Annotated[Iterator[Frame], Depends(dep_video_iterator)]
    for frame in video_frames:
        print(frame.frame, frame.content.shape)


  • lr (LabelRowV2) –

    Automatically injected label row dependency.


  • NotImplementedError

    Will fail for other data types than video.


  • Iterator[Frame]

    An iterator.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def dep_video_iterator(lr: LabelRowV2) -> Generator[Iterator[Frame], None, None]:
    Dependency to inject a video frame iterator for doing things over many frames.

    **Intended use**

    from encord_agents import FrameData
    from encord_agents.gcp import editor_agent
    from encord_agents.gcp.dependencies import dep_video_iterator

    def my_agent(
        video_frames: Annotated[Iterator[Frame], Depends(dep_video_iterator)]
        for frame in video_frames:
            print(frame.frame, frame.content.shape)

        lr: Automatically injected label row dependency.

        NotImplementedError: Will fail for other data types than video.

        An iterator.

    if not lr.data_type == DataType.VIDEO:
        raise NotImplementedError("`dep_video_iterator` only supported for video label rows")

    with download_asset(lr, None) as asset:
        yield iter_video(asset)



editor_agent() -> Callable[[AgentFunction], Callable[[Request], Response]]

Wrapper to make resources available for gcp editor agents.

The editor agents are intended to be used via dependency injections. You can learn more via out documentation.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def editor_agent() -> Callable[[AgentFunction], Callable[[Request], Response]]:
    Wrapper to make resources available for gcp editor agents.

    The editor agents are intended to be used via dependency injections.
    You can learn more via out [documentation](

    def context_wrapper_inner(func: AgentFunction) -> Callable:
        dependant = get_dependant(func=func)

        def wrapper(request: Request) -> Response:
            frame_data = FrameData.model_validate_json(orjson.dumps(request.form.to_dict()))
  "Request: {frame_data}")

            client = get_user_client()
            project = client.get_project(str(frame_data.project_hash))

            label_row: LabelRowV2 | None = None
            if dependant.needs_label_row:
                label_row = project.list_label_rows_v2(data_hashes=[str(frame_data.data_hash)])[0]

            context = Context(project=project, label_row=label_row, frame_data=frame_data)
            with ExitStack() as stack:
                dependencies = solve_dependencies(context=context, dependant=dependant, stack=stack)
            return generate_response()

        return wrapper

    return context_wrapper_inner


generate_response() -> Response

Generate a Response object with status 200 in order to tell the FE that the function has finished successfully. :return: Response object with the right CORS settings.

Source code in encord_agents/gcp/
def generate_response() -> Response:
    Generate a Response object with status 200 in order to tell the FE that the function has finished successfully.
    :return: Response object with the right CORS settings.
    response = make_response("")
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    return response


Dependencies for injection in FastAPI servers.

This module contains dependencies that you can inject within your api routes. Dependencies that depend on others don't need to be used together. They'll work just fine alone.

Note that you can also use the function parameter:

from typing_extensions import Annotated
from fastapi import Form
from encord_agents import FrameData
def my_agent(
    frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()],
FrameData is automatically injected via the api request body.


dep_client() -> EncordUserClient

Dependency to provide an authenticated user client.


from encord.user_client import EncordUserClient
from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_client
def my_route(
    client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]
    # Client will authenticated and ready to use.
Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_client() -> EncordUserClient:
    Dependency to provide an authenticated user client.


    from encord.user_client import EncordUserClient
    from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_client
    def my_route(
        client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]
        # Client will authenticated and ready to use.

    return get_user_client()


dep_data_lookup(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(_lookup_adapter)]) -> DataLookup

Get a lookup to easily retrieve data rows and storage items associated with the given task.


If you're just looking to get the associated storage item to a task, consider using dep_storage_item instead.

The lookup can, e.g., be useful for

  • Updating client metadata
  • Downloading data from signed urls
  • Matching data to other projects


from fastapi import Form
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from encord_agents import FrameData
from encord_agents.fastapi.dependencies import dep_data_lookup, DataLookup

def my_agent(
    frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()],
    lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)]
    # Client will authenticated and ready to use.


  • lookup (Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(_lookup_adapter)]) –

    The object that you can use to lookup data rows and storage items. Automatically injected.


  • DataLookup

    The (shared) lookup object.

Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_data_lookup(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(_lookup_adapter)]) -> DataLookup:
    Get a lookup to easily retrieve data rows and storage items associated with the given task.

    !!! info
        If you're just looking to get the associated storage item to a task, consider using `dep_storage_item` instead.

    The lookup can, e.g., be useful for

    * Updating client metadata
    * Downloading data from signed urls
    * Matching data to other projects


    from fastapi import Form
    from typing_extensions import Annotated
    from encord_agents import FrameData
    from encord_agents.fastapi.dependencies import dep_data_lookup, DataLookup

    def my_agent(
        frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()],
        lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)]
        # Client will authenticated and ready to use.

        lookup: The object that you can use to lookup data rows and storage items. Automatically injected.

        The (shared) lookup object.

    return lookup


dep_label_row(frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()]) -> LabelRowV2

Dependency to provide an initialized label row.


from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_label_row
def my_route(
    lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]
    assert lr.is_labelling_initialised  # will work


  • frame_data (Annotated[FrameData, Form()]) –

    the frame data from the route. This parameter is automatically injected if it's a part of your route (see example above)


  • LabelRowV2

    The initialized label row.

Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_label_row(frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()]) -> LabelRowV2:
    Dependency to provide an initialized label row.


    from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_label_row
    def my_route(
        lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]
        assert lr.is_labelling_initialised  # will work

        frame_data: the frame data from the route. This parameter is automatically injected
            if it's a part of your route (see example above)

        The initialized label row.

    return get_initialised_label_row(frame_data)


dep_project(frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()], client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)])

Dependency to provide an instantiated Project.


from encord.project import Project
from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_project
def my_route(
    project: Annotated[Project, Depends(dep_project)]
    # Project will authenticated and ready to use.


  • frame_data (Annotated[FrameData, Form()]) –
  • client (Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]) –


Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_project(frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()], client: Annotated[EncordUserClient, Depends(dep_client)]):
    Dependency to provide an instantiated
    [Project]({ target="\_blank", rel="noopener noreferrer" }.


    from encord.project import Project
    from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_project
    def my_route(
        project: Annotated[Project, Depends(dep_project)]
        # Project will authenticated and ready to use.



    return client.get_project(project_hash=frame_data.project_hash)


dep_single_frame(lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)], frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()])

Dependency to inject the underlying asset of the frame data.

The downloaded asset will be named lr.data_hash.{suffix}. When the function has finished, the downloaded file will be removed from the file system.


from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_single_frame
def my_route(
    frame: Annotated[NDArray[np.uint8], Depends(dep_single_frame)]
    assert arr.ndim == 3, "Will work"


  • lr (Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]) –

    The label row. Automatically injected (see example above).

  • frame_data (Annotated[FrameData, Form()]) –

    the frame data from the route. This parameter is automatically injected if it's a part of your route (see example above).

Returns: Numpy array of shape [h, w, 3] RGB colors.

Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_single_frame(lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)], frame_data: Annotated[FrameData, Form()]):
    Dependency to inject the underlying asset of the frame data.

    The downloaded asset will be named `lr.data_hash.{suffix}`.
    When the function has finished, the downloaded file will be removed from the file system.


    from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_single_frame
    def my_route(
        frame: Annotated[NDArray[np.uint8], Depends(dep_single_frame)]
        assert arr.ndim == 3, "Will work"

        lr: The label row. Automatically injected (see example above).
        frame_data: the frame data from the route. This parameter is automatically injected
            if it's a part of your route (see example above).

    Returns: Numpy array of shape [h, w, 3] RGB colors.

    with download_asset(lr, frame_data.frame) as asset:
        img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(asset.as_posix()), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    return np.asarray(img, dtype=np.uint8)


dep_storage_item(lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)], frame_data: FrameData) -> StorageItem

Get the storage item associated with the underlying agent task.

The StorageItem is useful for multiple things like

  • Updating client metadata
  • Reading file properties like storage location, fps, duration, DICOM tags, etc.


from import StorageItem
from encord_agents.fastapi.dependencies import dep_storage_item"/my-agent")
def my_agent(
    storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)]
    # Client will authenticated and ready to use.
Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_storage_item(
    lookup: Annotated[DataLookup, Depends(dep_data_lookup)],
    frame_data: FrameData,
) -> StorageItem:
    Get the storage item associated with the underlying agent task.

    The [`StorageItem`]({ target="\_blank", rel="noopener noreferrer" }
    is useful for multiple things like

    * Updating client metadata
    * Reading file properties like storage location, fps, duration, DICOM tags, etc.


    from import StorageItem
    from encord_agents.fastapi.dependencies import dep_storage_item"/my-agent")
    def my_agent(
        storage_item: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)]
        # Client will authenticated and ready to use.

    return lookup.get_storage_item(frame_data.data_hash)


dep_video_iterator(lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]) -> Generator[Iterator[Frame], None, None]

Dependency to inject a video frame iterator for doing things over many frames.


from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_video_iterator, Frame
def my_route(
    video_frames: Annotated[Iterator[Frame], Depends(dep_video_iterator)]
    for frame in video_frames:
        print(frame.frame, frame.content.shape)


  • lr (Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]) –

    Automatically injected label row dependency.


  • NotImplementedError

    Will fail for other data types than video.


  • Iterator[Frame]

    An iterator.

Source code in encord_agents/fastapi/
def dep_video_iterator(lr: Annotated[LabelRowV2, Depends(dep_label_row)]) -> Generator[Iterator[Frame], None, None]:
    Dependency to inject a video frame iterator for doing things over many frames.


    from encord_agents.fastapi.depencencies import dep_video_iterator, Frame
    def my_route(
        video_frames: Annotated[Iterator[Frame], Depends(dep_video_iterator)]
        for frame in video_frames:
            print(frame.frame, frame.content.shape)

        lr: Automatically injected label row dependency.

        NotImplementedError: Will fail for other data types than video.

        An iterator.

    if not lr.data_type == DataType.VIDEO:
        raise NotImplementedError("`dep_video_iterator` only supported for video label rows")
    with download_asset(lr, None) as asset:
        yield iter_video(asset)