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Multi-processing (queues)


The QueueRunner is designed for distributed task processing and parallel execution. It allows you to implement agent logic that can be executed across multiple workers or processes, making it ideal for scaling up task processing in production environments.

Basic Usage

The basic usage pattern of the QueueRunner follows these steps:

  1. Initialize the queue runner
  2. Implement agent logic for workflow stages
  3. Put tasks into a queue system
  4. Execute tasks from the queue

Here's a basic example:
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from encord_agents.tasks import QueueRunner
from encord.workflow.stages.agent import AgentTask

# Step 1: Initialize the queue runner
# project_hash is required for QueueRunner
runner = QueueRunner(project_hash="<your_project_hash>")

# Step 2: Implement agent logic
@runner.stage("my_stage_name")  # or stage="<stage_uuid>"
def process_task(task: AgentTask, lr: LabelRowV2) -> str:
    # Your agent logic here
    return "next_stage"  # or return a pathway UUID

# Step 3 & 4: Queue and execute tasks
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get all tasks that need processing
    for stage in runner.get_agent_stages():
        # Your queue implementation
        task_queue = []

        # Populate queue with task specifications
        for task in stage.get_tasks():

        # Process tasks from queue
        while task_queue:
            task_spec = task_queue.pop()
            # The wrapped function handles all dependency injection
            result_json = process_task(task_spec)
            # result_json contains success/failure status and next pathway


To avoid mixing up the agent implementations, we recommend to use a dedicated queue runner for each agent.

Integration with Queue Systems

The QueueRunner is designed to work with various queue systems. Here are examples with popular frameworks:

Celery Integration
from celery import Celery
from encord_agents.tasks import QueueRunner

app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost:6379/0')
runner = QueueRunner(project_hash="<your_project_hash>")

def process_task(task: AgentTask) -> str:
    # Your processing logic
    return "next_stage"

# Register with Celery
def celery_task(task_spec: str) -> str:
    return process_task(task_spec)

# Populate queue
for stage in runner.get_agent_stages():
    for task in stage.get_tasks():


For a more detailed example, see the Celery example.
import modal
from encord_agents.tasks import QueueRunner

stub = modal.Stub("agent-tasks")
runner = QueueRunner(project_hash="<your_project_hash>")

def process_task(task: AgentTask) -> str:
    # Your processing logic
    return "next_stage"

def modal_task(task_spec: str) -> str:
    return process_task(task_spec)

def main():
    for stage in runner.get_agent_stages():
        for task in stage.get_tasks():


For a more detailed example, see the Modal example.

Key Concepts

Task Specification Format

The QueueRunner uses JSON strings to pass task specifications between processes:

# Converting task to JSON spec
task_spec = task.model_dump_json()

# The wrapped agent function handles parsing and dependency injection
result = my_agent(task_spec)  # Returns TaskCompletionResult as JSON

A task specification is a string in the following format:

  "uuid": "<task-uuid>",
  "created_at": "2025-02-19T15:23:09.629049",
  "updated_at": "2025-02-19T15:23:09.679423",
  "status": "NEW",
  "data_hash": "<data-hash>",
  "data_title": "<data-title>",
  "label_branch_name": "<label-branch-name>",
  "assignee": null

Task Completion Results

Agent functions return a JSON-serialized TaskCompletionResult containing: - Task UUID - Stage UUID - Success status - Error message (if any) - Next pathway (if successful)

  "task_uuid": "<task-uuid>",
  "stage_uuid": "<stage-uuid>",
  "success": true,
  "pathway": "<returned-pathway-uuid-or-name>",
  "error": null

Error Handling

The QueueRunner provides error handling at the task level:

from encord_agents.tasks.models import TaskCompletionResult

# The result JSON can be parsed back into a TaskCompletionResult
result = TaskCompletionResult.model_validate_json(result_json)

if not result.error:
    print(f"Task {result.task_uuid} completed, next pathway: {result.pathway}")
    print(f"Task {result.task_uuid} failed: {result.error}")



Source code in encord_agents/tasks/
def __init__(self, project_hash: str | UUID):
    assert self.project is not None
    self._project: Project = self.project

Stage Configuration

The stage decorator accepts the same configuration options as the sequential Runner:


def my_agent(task: AgentTask) -> str:

Comparison with Sequential Runner

The key differences between QueueRunner and the sequential Runner are:

Feature Runner QueueRunner
Execution Model Executes tasks sequentially in a single process Designed for distributed execution across multiple processes
Project Hash Optional at initialization Required at initialization
Function Wrapping Executes your function directly with injected dependencies Additionally wraps your function to handle JSON task specifications
Execution Control Handles task polling and execution You control task distribution and execution through your queue system
Scaling Not suitable for scaling Suitable for scaling

Choose the QueueRunner when you need to:

  • Process tasks in parallel
  • Scale processing across multiple machines
  • Integrate with existing queue infrastructure
  • Handle high task volumes efficiently