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The Runner class is the core component for building task agents in Encord. It provides a simple interface for defining agent logic and handling task progression in Encord workflows.


The Runner manages the execution of agent logic on tasks within specific workflow stages. It:

  • Connects directly to your Encord project via the Encord SDK
  • Provides function decorators to associate the functions with workflow stages
  • Manages retries and error handling
  • Handles task fetching and updates
  • Optimizes performance through batched updates and data loading

Basic Usage

The basic usage pattern of the Runner follows three steps:

  1. Initialize the runner
  2. Implement the logic for each stage in your workflow you want to capture with the runner.
  3. Execute the runner
from encord.objects.ontology_labels_impl import LabelRowV2
from encord_agents.tasks import Runner

# Step 1: Initialization
# Initialize the runner
# project hash is optional but allows you to "fail fast"
# if you misconfigure the stages.
runner = Runner(project_hash="<your_project_hash>")

# Step 2: Definition
# Define agent logic for a specific stage
@runner.stage(stage="my_stage_name")  # or stage="<stage_uuid>"
def process_task(lr: LabelRowV2) -> str | None:
    # Modify the label row as needed

    # Return the pathway name or UUID where the task should go next
    return "next_stage"

# Step 3: Execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # via the CLI

    # or via code
    # simple
    # args
        refresh_every=3600,  # seconds
        num_retries = 1,
        task_batch_size = 1,

To execute the runner via the CLI, you can do:

# simple
python --project-hash <your_project_hash>
# use help for additional configurations
python --help

Running Agents

Basic Execution  # will run the runner as CLI tool
runner()      # will run the runner directly

Both will:

  1. Connect to your Encord project
  2. Poll for tasks in the configured stages
  3. Execute your agent functions on each task
  4. Move tasks according to returned pathway
  5. Retry failed tasks up to num_retries times

See below for configuration options.

Command Line Interface

The runner exposes configuration via CLI:

python \
    --project-hash "<project_hash>" \
    --task-batch-size 1 \
    --num-retries 3
    --refresh-every 3600 # seconds

Error Handling

The runner will:

  • Retry failed tasks up to num_retries times (default: 3)
  • Log errors for debugging
  • Continue processing other tasks if one fails
  • Bundle updates for better performance (configurable via task_batch_size)



Initialization specs:

Initialize the runner with an optional project hash.

The project_hash will allow stricter stage validation. If left unspecified, errors will first be raised during execution of the runner.


  • project_hash (str | None, default: None ) –

    The project hash that the runner applies to.

    Can be left unspecified to be able to reuse same runner on multiple projects.

Source code in encord_agents/tasks/
def __init__(self, project_hash: str | None = None):
    Initialize the runner with an optional project hash.

    The `project_hash` will allow stricter stage validation.
    If left unspecified, errors will first be raised during execution of the runner.

        project_hash: The project hash that the runner applies to.

            Can be left unspecified to be able to reuse same runner on multiple projects.
    self.agents: list[RunnerAgent] = []
    self.was_called_from_cli = False

Runtime Configuration

There are two ways to execute the runner. You can run the runner directly from your code:

runner = Runner()
runner(project_hash="<your_project_hash>")  # See all params below 👇

Or you can run it via the command-line interface (CLI) by employing the function. Suppose you have an file that looks like this:
runner = Runner()
if __name__ == "__main__":

Then, the runner will turn into a CLI tool with the exact same arguments as running it via code:

$ python --help

 Usage: [OPTIONS]

 Execute the runner.
 Full documentation here:

╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
 --refresh-every   INTEGER  Fetch task statuses from the Encord                                 Project every `refresh_every` seconds.                              If `None`, the runner will exit once                                task queue is empty.                                                [default: None]                          --num-retries     INTEGER  If an agent fails on a task, how many                               times should the runner retry it?                                   [default: 3]                             --task-batch-size INTEGER  Number of tasks for which labels are                                loaded into memory at once.                                         [default: 300]                           --project-hash    TEXT     The project hash if not defined at                                  runner instantiation.                                               [default: None]                          --help                     Show this message and exit.             ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╯

Performance Considerations

By default, the Runner bundles task updates for better performance with a batch size of 100. For debugging or when immediate updates are needed, you can set task_batch_size=1:

# Via CLI
python --task-batch-size 1

Or in code


Stage Decorators

The @runner.stage decorator connects your functions to specific stages in your Encord workflow.

@runner.stage(stage = "<stage_name_or_uuid>")
def my_agent(lr: LabelRowV2, ...) -> str | UUID | None:
        lr: Automatically injected via by the `Runner`
        ...: See the "Dependencies" section for examples of
             how to, e.g., inject assets, client metadata, and

        The name or UUID of the pathway where the task should go next,
        or None to leave the task in the current stage.

The my_agent function will be called by the runner for every task that's in the specified stage. It is supposed to return where the task should go next. This can be done by pathways names or UUIDs. If None is returned, the task will not move and the runner will pick up that task again in the future.

You can also define multiple stages in a single runner:

def prelabel_task(lr: LabelRowV2) -> str:
    # Add initial labels
    return "review"

def validate_task(lr: LabelRowV2) -> str:
    # Validate labels
    return "complete"

If you define multiple stages, the task queues for each stage will be emptied one queue at a time in the order in which the stages were defined in the runner. That is, if you define a runner with two stages:

runner = Runner()

def stage_1():
    return "next"

def stage_2():
    return "next"

The queue for "stage_1" will be emptied first and successively the queue for "stage_2". If you set the refresh_every argument, the runner will poll both queues again after emptying the initial queues. In turn, data that came into the queue after the initial poll by the runner will be picked up in the second iteration. In the case where the time of an execution has already exceeded the refresh_every threshold, the agent will poll for new tasks instantly.

To give you an idea about the order of execution, please find the pseudo code below.

# ⚠️  PSEUDO CODE - not intended for copying ⚠️
def execute(self, refresh_every = None):
    timestamp =
    while True:
        # self.agents ≈ [stage_1, stage_2]
        for agent in self.agents:  
            for task in agent.get_tasks():
                # Inject params based on task
                stage.execute(solve_dependencies(task, agent))  

        if refresh_every is None:
            # repeat after timestamp + timedelta(seconds=refresh_every)
            # or straight away if already exceeded

Optional arguments

When you wrap a function with the @runner.stage(...) wrapper, you can add include a label_row_metadata_include_args: LabelRowMetadataIncludeArgs argument which will be passed on to the Encord Project's list_label_row_v2 method. This is useful to, e.g., be able to read the client metadata associated to a task. Notice, if you need to update the metadata, you will have to use the dep_storage_item dependencies.

Here is an example:

args = LabelRowMetadataIncludeArgs(
@runner.stage("<my_stage_name>", label_row_metadata_include_args=args)
def my_agent(lr: LabelRowV2):
    lr.client_metadata  # will now be populated


The Runner supports dependency injection similar to FastAPI. Dependencies are functions that provide common resources or utilities to your agent functions.

Built-in Dependencies


The library provides many commonly dependencies. Please see the References section for an explicit list. In the example below, we show how to obtain both label rows from "twin projects" and a frame iterator for videos -- just by specifying that it's something that the agent function depends on.

from typing_extensions import Annotated
from encord.workflow.stages.agent import AgentStage
from encord_agents.tasks import Depends
from encord_agents.tasks.dependencies import (
    Twin,              # Access a "twin" project's labels
    dep_twin_label_row,# Get label row from twin project
    dep_video_iterator # Iterate over video frames

def my_agent(
    task: AgentTask,
    lr: LabelRowV2,
    twin: Annotated[Twin, Depends(dep_twin_label_row(twin_project_hash="..."))],
    frames: Annotated[Iterator[Frame], Depends(dep_video_iterator)]
) -> str:
    # Use the dependencies


There are three object types that you can get without any extensive type annotations.

If you type any parameter of your stage implementation, e.g., the my_agent function above, with either of [AgentTask, Project, LabelRowV2], the function will be called with that type of object, matching the task at hand.

That is, if you do:

from encord.project import Project

def my_agent(project: Project):

the project will be the workflow project instance for the project_hash you specified when executing the runner.

Similarly, the task and label_row (associated with the task) can be obtained as follows:

from encord.objects import LabelRowV2
from encord.workflow.stages.agent import AgentTask

def my_agent(task: AgentTask, label_row: LabelRowV2):

The remaining dependencies must be specified with a encord_agents.tasks.dependencies.Depends type annotation using one of the following two patterns.

from typing_extensions import Annotated

from import StorageItem
from encord_agents.tasks.dependencies import (

def my_agent(
    storage_item_1: Annotated[StorageItem, Depends(dep_storage_item)],
    storage_item_2: StorageItem = Depends(dep_storage_item)

Custom Dependencies

Dependencies can actually be any function that has a similar function declaration to the ones above. That is, functions that have parameters typed with AgentTask, Project, LabelRowV2, or other dependencies annotated with Depends.

You can create your own dependencies that can also use nested dependencies like this:

from encord.objects import LabelRowV2
from import StorageItem

def my_custom_dependency(
    lr: LabelRowV2,
    storage_item: StorageItem = Depends(dep_storage_item)
) -> dict:
    """Custom dependencies can use LabelRowV2 and other dependencies"""
    return {
        "data_title": lr.data_title,
        "metadata": storage_item.client_metadata

def my_agent(
    metadata: Annotated[dict, Depends(my_custom_dependency)]
) -> str:
    # metadata is automatically injected
    return "next_stage"